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Martial Arts Uniforms / Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Suit

Martial Arts Uniforms / Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Suit

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A lightweight 550 gram, 100% Cotton pearl-weave fabric. A super-soft and incredibly strong pearl-weave material, combining the most effective features from both the double and single-weave Gis, creating a breathable and durable fabric for heavy usage and comfort. Jacket constructed without back seam, together with reinforced shoulder, collar and sleeve seams, ensuring strength and durability. Trousers produced from a Ripstop fabric and heavily reinforced on all seams, including the knee areas, for ultimate comfort and protection. Embroidered Badbreed graphics are kept to a minimum, allowing you to personalise your gi. Specifically designed to withstand intense grappling during competition.

About the company

Martial Arts Uniforms

Activity: The Bellicose

Bellicose is manufacturer of Gym Fitness Accessories, Martial Arts Uniforms, Boxing Clothing & Equipment, MMA Clothing & Equipment, Sports-wear, Street-wear, Sports Shoes and Accessories. We want to build and create the best fitting uniform of all time. We specialize in Gis/kimonos ! The main goal of the company is to provide MMA/Grappling/BJJ gear of the highest quality, and just as importantly, with crisp/fresh designs. We don’t feel that the majority of MMA brands out there appeal to us, as we are not attracted to the “in your face” style that most companies seem to cultivate, so we aim to create crisp cool designs.

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